yukiko0623 について

Entrepreneur, frustrated musician, Ph.D. in Science. In a long journey of seeking truth, goodness, and beauty.




私が取り組んでいるのは、紛争解決のための意思決定数理モデルです。今のところ用いている枠組みは、効用を序数的に扱うため人間の直感に近く、また「状態」への選好を分析するので「状態の遷移」という考え方で物事の不可逆な生起も記述することができるGMCR(Graph Model for Conflict Resolution)という手法です。分析対象は国家間の紛争で、実際の事例としてはキューバ危機に適用して検討しています。

「紛争解決のための意思決定数理モデル」なので、国際関係論的フィールドと数学やシステム的なフィールドの両方の関わることになり、いつもこの2フィールド各々において何か関心テーマを考えているような取り組み方です。ちなみに今日は、国際関係論的には地政学なパースペクティブを切り口、数理モデル的には選好を距離で捉える、ということに興味がある、と書いたところで、地政学と(数学的)距離、これはまた何とinspiring な!とちょっとうれしくなりました。いい思いつきです。総合してまとめた論文が書きたいと思います。





コンフリクトの数理-意思決定に関わるモメンタムが与える影響 のモデル化 Conflict Analysis-Modeling the dynamics of underlying momentum in decision making



コンフリクトの数理-意思決定に関わるモメンタムが与える影響 のモデル化 Conflict Analysis-Modeling the dynamics of underlying momentum in decision making


合理性について Rationality



Welcome !

The sharpness of vision and depth of insight-The outside and the inside-The eyes and the mind….


Yukiko Kato’s notes on time, truth, goodness and beauty, self and others. From the viewpoints of philosophy, mathematics, physics, and art.


東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院 修了 博士(理学)

フランス国立ポンゼショセ工科大学国際経営大学院 MBA

フランス外交戦略研究所 Cycle d’Enseignement Diplomatique Supérieur課程 中退




Game Theory Society

researchmap はこちら


《Academic background》

Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Environment and Society, Ph.D

Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, MBA

Centre d’Etudes Diplomatiques et Stratégique, Cycle d’Enseignement Diplomatique Supérieur

Keio University BA, Economics, Philosophy

《Academic Society》

The Operations Research Society of Japan

The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Game Theory Society

Business background


Kimigayo – Reign of Your Majesty

The national anthem of Japan played at the opening ceremony of Olympic Games held in Rio City was the best music I have ever experienced.

The amazing version of our national anthem was arranged by Jun Miyake, a Japanese composer based in Paris, using incredible technique of mysterious harmony of Bulgarian Voice.

For many Japanese like me, Kimigayo is naturally ‘a poem’, rather than ‘a music’ to be played in a western harmonic texture. Because the lyrics for Kimigayo was first appeared in the “Kokin Wakashu”, the anthology of poetry edited in the 10th century, as a poem.

Given that Kimigayo is a poem, its performance must be more comfortable to be like a poetry reading, instead of a song.

I suppose what is behind the certain strangeness I have been always had when I sing Kimigayo is its complex history and structure. The lyrics was from 10th century’s poem; the melody was made in 19th century in Gagaku (the ancient Japanese court music) style, and was harmonized by a German military bandmaster soon after the creation of melody. I have never got successful in reconciling these painfully different elements while singing the 60 seconds song.

The Miyake version of Kimigayo, so clean, calm but with strong spirit of words, resolved the strangeness that all the other conventional versions of Kimigayo had.

Tony Viramontes

He saw a being as if he had been a clairvoyant, not only with its form but sounds, anima, touch, scents, cells, flame and shadow.

Actually, his narrowed eyes captured anything or everything in another world than in mines. His works were always very quick.

Because he had any fine and thin details in him before he took up his paintbrush. He called me ‘Gato’ ,’Gata’ or ‘Gatita’ , as my Japanese family name sounds like ‘cat’ in his native language, and indeed, I was running around him day and night like a kitten while I was still confused with everything as a beginner in the fashion world.

We made a high definition fashion video, replacing a runway collection, 30 years ago.

He was too much ahead of its time.
